What’s 2011 All About For You?

The Antelope Canyon in Arizona.

It’s a new year. Thank God! I love the turnover of the years because to me it feels like a new beginning. I’m not one for resolutions but I am a dreamer and my business is in making dreams come true, so what’s your dream for 2011? Have you taken a moment to think about what you’d really love to accomlish by the end of this new year? Forget all the ususals, “lose weight, fall in love, quit my job….,” you may want all of that but let’s get specific to you. Here’s a great way to get started: Try this visualization…

close your eyes and imagine a warm beam of light shining down on you from above. Follow that beam of light all the way through the heavens and into space. Float there for a moment gazing at our most magnificent Earth. Then notice another beam of light shining from Earth to you. Follow it back down to your future self 20 years from now. As you track the beam down to the ground, notice where you are and find the home of your future self. Knock on your door and see your future self welcome you into your home. What does he/she look like? What does it feel like in this home you’ve created? Sit down with your future self and have a conversation. Ask your self, “what is the most important thing for me to know right now?” and listen. Ask yourelf anything else you’d like and when you’re ready, follow that beam of light back to outer space and then jump on the original beam back to this present moment.

What did you receive from your future self?

I encourage you to use this vision as inspiration for your next move. Look into the future for clues as to what action you want to take now in the present. When you can put it into words, write your end-year goal down on paper. Make it specific and measurable. As an example, “I want to save a lot of money by the end of the year” is a weak goal. How much money? When at the end of the year? Why save the money? “It is December 31, 2011 and I have saved $10,000 in a money market account for my first home” is a powerful goal! It has to pull on you and create excitement in you now because everyday this year you will take some action towards that goal. Why write it down like this? Well, I ask you, how meaningful is it to reach your goals? What would this year be without that goal? Writing things down makes them real to us. And once it’s on paper, you can no longer deny it. Don’t worry yourself so much with the hows along the way. The how will reveal itself in time. For now, meditate on that goal. What smaller goals must be in place between now and December 31 to make the end-goal happen? How will you celebrate achieving them? What resources do you have to action on towards those smaller goals? Day by day, small step after small step, you will reach success. Even if all you do is check in and read that goal everyday, you will achieve and create transformation in your life.

So, what’s this year all about for you?